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For Sellers

How Long Do Most Families Live in a House Before Thinking of Selling?

How Long Do Most Families Live in a House - homeonwership

Homeownership – How long? The National Association of Realtors (NAR) keeps historical data on many aspects of homeownership. One of their data points, which has changed dramatically, is the median tenure of a family in a home, meaning how long a family stays in a home prior to moving. As the graph below shows, over the last twenty years…

Homeownership Benefits, Go Beyond the Financial

The Benefits of Homeownership Go Beyond the Financial

Homeownership the American Dream… Homeownership is a major part of the American Dream. As evidence of that, 91% of Americans believe that owning a home is either essential (43%) or important (48%) to achieving that “dream.” In a market where some people may be unsure about the benefits and possibilities of buying a home, it…

There’s More to a Bubble Than Rising Home Prices

There’s More to a Bubble Than Rising Home Prices

What truly causes a housing bubble and the inevitable crash? For the best explanation, let’s go to a person who correctly called the last housing bubble – a year before it happened. “A bubble requires both overvaluation based on fundamentals and speculation. It is natural to focus on an asset’s fundamental value, but the real…

Net Worth of Homeowners 44 Times Greater than Renters

Net Worth of Homeowners 44X Greater than Renters

Net Worth = Rent vs. Buy… Every three years, the Federal Reserve conducts their Survey of Consumer Finances in which they collect net worth data across all economic and social groups. The latest survey data, covering 2013-2016 was released two weeks ago. The study revealed that the 2016 median net worth of homeowners was $231,400 – a 15% increase since…

A Tale of Two Real Estate Markets: A 6-Month Update

A Tale of Two Markets: A 6-Month Update

Two Real Estate Markets… Six months ago, we reported that the mismatch between the type of inventory of homes for sale and the demand of buyers in the US was causing the formation of two real estate markets. In the starter and trade-up home categories, there were significantly more buyers than there were homes for…

Why the Lack of Housing Inventory Available for Sale?

Buy or Rent?

Supply and Demand housing inventory… There is no doubt that the largest challenge in today’s housing market is a lack of housing inventory for sale. This challenge has been defined as an “overwhelming lack of supply,” and even a “straight up inventory crisis.” First American just released the results of a survey which sheds light…

America Needs Your House!! Housing Shortage

America Needs Your House!!

Housing Shortage… The biggest challenge in today’s real estate market is a lack of housing inventory. How big of a challenge is the housing shortage? Here are what four industry economists are saying on the issue (emphases added): Mark Fleming, First American’s Chief Economist “The underlying fundamental issue is an overwhelming lack of supply… The…

93.9% Of Homes in The US Have Positive Equity – 2017 Remains Positive

93.9% Of Homes in The US Have Positive Equity

How much equity? CoreLogic’s latest Equity Report revealed that ninety-one thousand residential properties regained equity in Q1 2017. The outlook for 2017 remains positive as well, as an additional 600 thousand properties will regain equity if home prices rise another 5% this year.  The study also revealed that: Roughly 63% of all homeowners have seen their equity increase…

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